5,500+ email and pass dump. ltc4u.com , among others.


Here is a snippet.

Note, this is addressed to original hacker, not to me.

 photo Screen-Shot-2014-01-25-at-12739-PM.png

Here is a snippet of the hackers reddit post:

These are the e-mail addresses from the list, if you see yours in here, please change your passwords on every site/MPOS/etc that you might use. I do not know how old this particular dump is, I found it a few days ago and the site it was on has since removed it and updated their security.


This is the hacker’s original reddit

Dark Mail Alliance, truly secure email.

Existing forms of email encryption, like PGP, can be used to encrypt the content of an email. But PGP cannot encrypt the “subject” header or metadata like the “to” and “from” fields, and the average user can find it too complicated to use. Dark Mail promises to address both of these issues in the form of an easy-to-use iOS app and an Android app. There will also be desktop versions for Mac and Windows users. People using the technology will still be able to send emails to friends or colleagues using Gmail and Hotmail—but when sending messages to non-Dark Mail users, a warning will be displayed, making it clear that the communication could be intercepted.

Read the rest of the article at

http://q.gs/5Txs4 Slate article, this was sourced from.


http://q.gs/5Txlt Alternate